(Part 2, ed. C.R.C. Allberry 1938. page 142-143)
they wearied
not .....
The Father himself also who is silent . . .
The Second Man, Adam, fell into . . .
Seth also, his son, his endurance is great.
. . . seventy-thee years.. .
Enoch also and Noah, Shem . . .
The Righteous who were burnt in the fire, - they endured.
This multitude that was wiped out - four thousand. . .
All the blessed that have been have endured these pains,
to the
glorious one, the Beloved, Jesus, our Lord.
They put a crown of thorns on him, they . . .
They smote him in his face, they spat upon him.
They hung him to a cross, they nailed to him four.. .
Wine, vinegar, and myrrh they gave him and he took them.
All these things which he suffered he endured for our sake.
All the Apostles that endured their pains:
Peter, the Apostle, who was crucified upside
how many tortures did he suffer … with this purity.
Andrew the Apostle, - they set fire to the
house beneath him.
He and his disciples - all hail to them, they were crucified.
The two sons of Zebedee were made to drink the cup of the ...
John the Virgin, he also was made to drink the cup,
fourteen days imprisoned that he might die of hunger.
And James also, he was stoned and
They all threw their stones at him that he might die beneath the storm.
The same things also did Thomas endure in
his cross.
Four soldiers at once pierced him with the point or the lance.
They surrounded him on four sides and made his blood flow...
How many mysteries did he perform; many a sign did he fulfil.
Paul, the Apostle, - they went against him that
they might kill him.
How great then is their wrath. He expired; he did not escape.
I therefore too have endured the, things which he suffered before
He was thrown into a basket and hung outside the wall.
All these things he suffered, he did not weary, he did not flinch.
He left the open court of the Lord, knowing that …
Thecla, the lover of God, who was made to go
up on the fire.
She received the sign of the cross, she walked into the fire rejoicing.
Yet was she not ashamed, naked in the midst of the crowd.
She was thrown to the bears, the lions were let loose to her.
She was bound on the bulls, the seals were let loose, to her.
All these things that she suffered, she did not finch, she did not . .
A garland it is that she desires, it is purity for which she fights.
The blessed Drusiana also, she also
suffered the same,
fourteen days imprisoned like her master, her Apostle.
Maximilla and Aristobula
- on them was great torture inflicted.
What need for them to suffer these things? It is purity for which they
All the godly that there have been, male, female, - all have suffered,
down to the Glorious One, the Apostle Mani.
Our Lord Mani himself also was made to drink the cup.
He received the likeness of them all; he fulfilled all their signs.
How many of his disciples also received the likeness of their Fathers.
We also, my brethren, have our part of suffering.
We shall join with them in the suffering and rest in their rest.
The covenant of our Father, the profit and the loss are divided between
We are true sons, the heirs of their Fathers.
There is nothing that is free from suffering that will rest in the end.
The very seed also that is sown, unless it dies, finds not the way to
but by its death it lives and gives life also.
Let us make ourselves strong also, my brethren; for lo, the rest has
reached us,
that we may receive the blessing of all whereof we have spoken
and dwell with one another in the glorious Land of Light,
with no foe and no enemy and no adversary from henceforth,
but it is peace and joy and life eternal..
Lo, this is the end of the Psalm of Endurance.
Glory and honour to our Lord, our Light, Mani, who
endured to the end, and his holy Elect, and the soul of Mary.
XXXV. And as they considered these things, Xanthippe took knowledge of the counsel of her husband with Agrippa, and sent and showed Peter, that he might depart from Rome. And the rest of the brethren, together with Marcellus, besought him to depart. But Peter said unto them: Shall we be runaways, brethren? and they said to him: Nay, but that thou mayest yet be able to serve the Lord. And he obeyed the brethren's voice and went forth alone, saying: Let none of you come forth with me, but I will go forth alone, having changed the fashion of mine apparel. And as he went forth of the city, he saw the Lord entering into Rome. And when he saw him, he said: Lord, whither goest thou thus (or here)? And the Lord said unto him: I go into Rome to be crucified. And Peter said unto him: Lord, art thou (being) crucified again? He said unto him: Yea, Peter, I am (being) crucified again. And Peter came to himself: and having beheld the Lord ascending up into heaven, he returned to Rome, rejoicing, and glorifying the Lord, for that he said: I am being crucified: the which was about to befall Peter.
XXXVI. He went up therefore again unto the brethren, and told them that which had been seen by him: and they lamented in soul, weeping and saying: We beseech thee, Peter, take thought for us that are young. And Peter said unto them: If it be the Lord's will, it cometh to pass, even if we will it not; but for you, the Lord is able to stablish you in his faith, and will found you therein and make you spread abroad, whom he himself hath planted, that ye also may plant others through him. But I, so long as the Lord will that I be in the flesh, resist not; and again if he take me to him I rejoice and am glad.
And while Peter thus spake, and all the brethren wept, behold four soldiers took him and led him unto Agrippa. And he in his madness (disease) commanded him to be crucified on an accusation of godlessness.
The whole multitude of the brethren therefore ran together, both of rich and poor, orphans and widows, weak and strong, desiring to see and to rescue Peter, while the people shouted with one voice, and would not be silenced: What wrong hath Peter done, O Agrippa? Wherein hath he hurt thee? tell the Romans! And others said: We fear lest if this man die, his Lord destroy us all.
And Peter when he came unto the place stilled the people and said: Ye men that are soldiers of Christ! ye men that hope in Christ! remember the signs and wonders which ye have seen wrought through me, remember the compassion of God, how many cures he hath wrought for you. Wait for him that cometh and shall reward every man according to his doings. And now be ye not bitter against Agrippa; for he is the minister of his father's working. And this cometh to pass at all events, for the Lord hath manifested unto me that which befalleth. But why delay I and draw not near unto the cross?
XXXVII. And having approached and standing by the cross he began to say: O name of the cross, thou hidden mystery! O grace ineffable that is pronounced in the name of the cross! O nature of man, that cannot be separated from God! O love (friendship) unspeakable and inseparable, that cannot be shown forth by unclean lips! I seize thee now, I that am at the end of my delivery hence (or, of my coming hither). I will declare thee, what thou art: I will not keep silence of the mystery of the cross which of old was shut and hidden from my soul. Let not the cross be unto you which hope in Christ, this which appeareth: for it is another thing, different from that which appeareth, even this passion which is according to that of Christ. And now above all, because ye that can hear are able to hear it of me, that am at the last and final hour of my life, hearken: Separate your souls from every thing that is of the senses, from every thing that appeareth, and does not exist in truth. Blind these eyes of yours, close these ears of yours, put away your doings that are seen; and ye shall perceive that which concerneth Christ, and the whole mystery of your salvation: and let thus much be said unto you that hear, as if it had not been spoken. But now it is time for thee, Peter, to deliver up thy body unto them that take it. Receive it then, ye unto whom it belongeth. I beseech you the executioners, crucify me thus, with the head downward and not otherwise: and the reason wherefore, I will tell unto them that hear.
XXXVIII. And when they had hanged him up after the manner he desired, he began again to say: Ye men unto whom it belongeth to hear, hearken to that which I shall declare unto you at this especial time as I hang here. Learn ye the mystery of all nature, and the beginning of all things, what it was. For the first man, whose race I bear in mine appearance (or, of the race of whom I bear the likeness), fell (was borne) head downwards, and showed forth a manner of birth such as was not heretofore: for it was dead, having no motion. He, then, being pulled down -who also cast his first state down upon the earth- established this whole disposition of all things, being hanged up an image of the creation (Gk. vocation) wherein he made the things of the right hand into left hand and the left hand into right hand, and changed about all the marks of their nature, so that he thought those things that were not fair to be fair, and those that were in truth evil, to be good. Concerning which the Lord saith in a mystery: Unless ye make the things of the right hand as those of the left, and those of the left as those of the right, and those that are above as those below, and those that are behind as those that are before, ye shall not have knowedge of the kingdom.
This thought, therefore, have I declared unto you; and the figure wherein ye now see me hanging is the representation of that man that first came unto birth. Ye therefore, my beloved, and ye that hear me and that shall hear, ought to cease from your former error and return back again. For it is right to mount upon the cross of Christ, who is the word stretched out, the one and only, of whom the spirit saith: For what else is Christ, but the word, the sound of God? So that the word is the upright beam whereon I am crucified. And the sound is that which crosseth it, the nature of man. And the nail which holdeth the cross-tree unto the upright in the midst thereof is the conversion and repentance of man.
XXXIX. Now whereas thou hast made known and revealed these things unto me, O word of life, called now by me wood (or, word called now by me the tree of life), I give thee thanks, not with these lips that are nailed unto the cross, nor with this tongue by which truth and falsehood issue forth, nor with this word which cometh forth by means of art whose nature is material, but with that voice do I give thee thanks, O King, which is perceived (understood) in silence, which is not heard openly, which proceedeth not forth by organs of the body, which goeth not into ears of flesh, which is not heard of corruptible substance, which existeth not in the world, neither is sent forth upon earth, nor written in books, which is owned by one and not by another: but with this, O Jesu Christ, do I give thee thanks, with the silence of a voice, wherewith the spirit that is in me loveth thee, speaketh unto thee, seeth thee, and beseecheth thee. Thou art perceived of the spirit only, thou art unto me father, thou my mother, thou my brother, thou my friend, thou my bondsman, thou my steward: thou art the All and the All is in thee: and thou Art, and there is nought else that is save thee only.
Unto him therefore do ye also, brethren, flee, and if ye learn that in him alone ye exist, ye shall obtain those things whereof he saith unto you: 'which neither eye hath seen nor ear heard, neither have they entered into the heart of man.' We ask, therefore, for that which thou hast promised to give unto us, O thou undefiled Jesu. We praise thee, we give thee thanks, and confess to thee, glorifying thee, even we men that are yet without strength, for thou art God alone, and none other: to whom be glory now and unto all ages. Amen.
XL. And when the multitude that stood by pronounced the Amen with a great sound, together with the Amen Peter gave up his spirit unto the Lord.
(The Acts of Peter From "The Apocryphal New Testament", M.R. James-Translation and Notes, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924)
Return to Psalm12
At Thessalonica was a rich noble youth, Exoos, who came without his
knowledge and asked to be shown the way of truth. He was taught, and
and followed Andrew taking no care of his worldly estate. The parents
that he was at Philippi and tried to bribe him with gifts to leave
Andrew. He
said: 'Would that you had not these riches, then would you know the
true God,
and escape his wrath.' Andrew, too, came down from the third storey
preached to them, but in vain: he retired and shut the doors of the
house. They
gathered a band and came to burn the house, saying: 'Death to the son
who has
forsaken his parents': and brought torches, reeds, and faggots, and set
house on fire. It blazed up. Exoos took a bottle of water and
prayed: 'Lord
Jesu Christ, in whose hand is the nature of all the elements, who
the dry and driest the moist, coolest the hot and kindlest the
quenched, put
out this fire that thy servants may not grow evil, but be more
enkindled unto
faith.' He sprinkled the flames and they died. 'He is become a
sorcerer,' said
the parents, and got ladders, to climb up and kill them, but God
blinded them.
They remained obstinate, but one Lysimachus, a citizen, said: 'Why
God is fighting for these. Desist, lest heavenly fire consume you.'
They were
touched, and said: 'This is the true God.' It was now night, but a
light shone
out, and they received sight. They went up and fell before Andrew and
pardon, and their repentance made Lysimachus say: 'Truly Christ whom
preaches is the Son of God.' All were converted except the youth's
parents, who
cursed him and went home again, leaving all their money to public uses.
days after they suddenly died, and the citizens, who loved the youth,
the property to him. He did not leave Andrew, but spent his income on
the poor.
of Andrew, The epitome by Gregory of Tours is considered by Flamion to
give on
the whole the best idea of the contents of the original Acts. The
edition of it is that by M. Bonnet in the Monumenta Germaniac Historica
Turon. II. 821-47). The greater part appears as Lib. III of the
Apostolica of (Pseudo-)Abdias, in a text much altered, it seems, in the
sixteenth century by Wolfgang Lazius: reprinted in Fabricius' Cod.
Apocr. N.
1. AND now Caesar, upon hearing the death of Festus, sent Albinus into Judea, as procurator. But the king deprived Joseph of the high priesthood, and bestowed the succession to that dignity on the son of Ananus, who was also himself called Ananus. Now the report goes that this eldest Ananus proved a most fortunate man; for he had five sons who had all performed the office of a high priest to God, and who had himself enjoyed that dignity a long time formerly, which had never happened to any other of our high priests. But this younger Ananus, who, as we have told you already, took the high priesthood, was a bold man in his temper, and very insolent; he was also of the sect of the Sadducees, (23) who are very rigid in judging offenders, above all the rest of the Jews, as we have already observed; when, therefore, Ananus was of this disposition, he thought he had now a proper opportunity [to exercise his authority]. Festus was now dead, and Albinus was but upon the road; so he assembled the sanhedrim of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others, [or, some of his companions]; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned: but as for those who seemed the most equitable of the citizens, and such as were the most uneasy at the breach of the laws, they disliked what was done; they also sent to the king [Agrippa], desiring him to send to Ananus that he should act so no more, for that what he had already done was not to be justified; nay, some of them went also to meet Albinus, as he was upon his journey from Alexandria, and informed him that it was not lawful for Ananus to assemble a sanhedrim without his consent.
(Antiquities of the Jews - Book XX, Chapter 9, Josephus translated by William Whiston)
164 When the apostle had said these things, Misdaeus considered how he should put him to death; for he was afraid because of the much people that were subject unto him, for many also of the nobles and of them that were in authority believed on him. He took him therefore and went forth out of the city; and armed soldiers also went with him. And the people supposed that the king desired to learn somewhat of him, and they stood still and gave heed. And when they had walked one mile, he delivered him unto four soldiers and an officer, and commanded them to take him into the mountain and there pierce him with spears and put an end to him, and return again to the city. And saying thus unto the soldiers, he himself also returned unto the city.
165 But the men ran after Thomas, desiring to deliver him from death. And two soldiers went at the right hand of the apostle and two on his left, holding spears, and the officer held his hand and supported him. And the apostle Thomas said: O the hidden mysteries which even until our departure are accomplished in us! O riches of his glory, who will not suffer us to be swallowed up in this passion of the body! Four are they that cast me down, for of four am I made; and one is he that draweth me, for of one I am, and unto him I go. And this I now understand, that my Lord and God Jesus Christ being of one was pierced by one, but I, which am of four, am pierced by four.
And when he had thus prayed he said unto the soldiers: Come hither and
accomplish the commandments of him that sent you. And the four came and
him with their spears, and he fell down and died.
(The Acts of Thomas, From "The Apocryphal New Testament", M.R. James-Translation and Notes, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924)
Act 9:22 But Saul increased
the more in strength, and confounded the Jews
which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ.
Act 9:23 And after that many
days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to
kill him:
Act 9:24 But their laying
await was known of Saul. And they watched the
gates day and night to kill him.
Act 9:25 Then the disciples
took him by night, and let him down by the
wall in a basket.
2Co 11:32 In Damascus the
governor under Aretas the king kept the city of
the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me:
2Co 11:33 And through a window
in a basket was I let down by the wall, and
escaped his hands.
(King James
26 And Paul sent away Onesiphorus with all his house unto Iconium, and so took Thecla and entered into Antioch: and as they entered in, a certain Syriarch, Alexander by name, saw Thecla and was enamoured of her, and would have bribed (flattered) Paul with money and gifts. But Paul said: I know not the woman of whom thou speakest, neither is she mine. But as he was of great power, he himself embraced her in the highway; and she endured it not, but sought after Paul and cried out bitterly, saying: Force not the stranger, force not the handmaid of God. I am of the first of the Iconians, and because I would not marry Thamyris, I am cast out of the city. And she caught at Alexander and rent his cloak and took the wreath from his head and made him a mocking-stock.
27 But he alike loving her and being ashamed of what had befallen him, brought her before the governor; and when she confessed that she had done this, he condemned her to the beasts; But the women were greatly amazed, and cried out at the judgement seat: An evil judgement, an impious judgement! And Thecla asked of the governor that she might remain a virgin until she should fight the beasts; and a certain rich queen, Tryphaena by name, whose daughter had died, took her into her keeping, and had her for a consolation.
28 Now when the beasts were led in procession, they bound her to a fierce lioness, and the queen Tryphaena followed after her: but the lioness, when Thecla was set upon her, licked her feet, and all the people marvelled. Now the writing (title) of her accusation was: Guilty of sacrilege. And the women with their children cried out from above: O God, an impious judgement cometh to pass in this city. And after the procession Tryphaena took her again. For her daughter Falconilla, which was dead, had said to her in a dream: Mother, thou shalt take in my stead Thecla the stranger that is desolate, that she may pray for me and I be translated into the place of the righteous.
29 When therefore Tryphaena received her after the procession, she alike bewailed her because she was to fight the beasts on the morrow, and also, loving her closely as her own daughter Falconilla; and said: Thecla, my second child, come, pray thou for my child that she may live for ever; for this have I seen in a dream. And she without delay lifted up her voice and said: O my God, Son of the Most High that art in heaven, grant unto her according to her desire, that her daughter Faleonilla may live for ever. And after she had said this, Tryphaena bewailed her, considering that so great beauty was to be cast unto the beasts.
30 And when it was dawn, Alexander came to take her-for it was he that was giving the games-saying: The governor is set and the people troubleth us: give me her that is to fight the beasts, that I may take her away. But Tryphaena cried aloud so that he fled away, saying: A second mourning for my Falconilla cometh about in mine house, and there is none to help, neither child, for she is dead, nor kinsman, for I am a widow. O God of Thecla my child, help thou Thecla.
31 And the governor sent soldiers to fetch Thecla: and Tryphaena left her not, but herself took her hand and led her up, saying: I did bring my daughter Falconilla unto the sepulchre; but thee, Thecla, do I bring to fight the beasts. And Thecla wept bitterly and groaned unto the Lord, saying: Lord God in whom I believe, with whom I have taken refuge, that savedst me from the fire, reward thou Tryphaena who hath had pity on thine handmaid, and hath kept me pure.
32 There was therefore a tumult, and a voice of the beasts, and shouting of the people, and of the women which sat together, some saying: Bring in the sacrilegious one! and the women saying: Away with the city for this unlawful deed! away with all us, thou proconsul! it is a bitter sight, an evil judgement!
38 But Thecla, being taken out of the hand of Tryphaena, was stripped and a girdle put upon her, and was cast into the stadium: and lions and bears were set against her. And a fierce lioness running to her lay down at her feet, and the press of women cried aloud. And a bear ran upon her; but the lioness ran and met him, and tore the bear in sunder. And again a lion, trained against men, which was Alexander's, ran upon her, and the lioness wrestled with him and was slain along with him. And the women bewailed yet more, seeing that the lioness also that succoured her was dead.
34 Then did they put in many beasts, while she stood and stretched out her hands and prayed. And when she had ended her prayer, she turned and saw a great tank full of water, and said: Now is it time that I should wash myself. And she cast herself in, saying: In the name of Jesus Christ do I baptize myself on the last day. And all the women seeing it and all the people wept, saying: Cast not thyself into the water: so that even the governor wept that so great beauty should be devoured by seals. So, then, she cast herself into the water in the name of Jesus Christ; and the seals, seeing the light of a flash of fire, floated dead on the top of the water. And there was about her a cloud of fire, so that neither did the beasts touch her, nor was she seen to be naked.
35 Now the women, when other more fearful beasts were put in, shrieked aloud, and some cast leaves, and others nard, others cassia, and some balsam, so that there was a multitude of odours; and all the beasts that were struck thereby were held as it were in sleep and touched her not; so that Alexander said to the governor: I have some bulls exceeding fearful, let us bind the criminal to them. And the governor frowning, allowed it, saying: Do that thou wilt. And they bound her by the feet between the bulls, and put hot irons under their bellies that they might be the more enraged and kill her. They then leaped forward; but the flame that burned about her, burned through the ropes, and she was as one not bound.
36 But Tryphaena, standing by the arena, fainted at the entry, so that her handmaids said: The queen Tryphaena is dead! And the governor stopped the games and all the city was frightened, and Alexander falling at the governor's feet said: Have mercy on me and on the city, and let the condemned go, lest the city perish with her; for if Caesar hear this, perchance he will destroy us and the city, because his kinswoman the queen Tryphaena hath died at the entry.
37 And the governor called Thecla from among the beasts, and said to her: Who art thou? and what hast thou about thee that not one of the beasts hath touched thee? But she said: I am the handmaid of the living God; and what I have about me-it is that I have believed on that his Son in whom God is well pleased; for whose sake not one of the beasts hath touched me. For he alone is the goal (or way) of salvation and the substance of life immortal; for unto them that are tossed about he is a refuge, unto the oppressed relief, unto the despairing shelter, and in a word, whosoever believeth not on him, shall not live, but die everlastingly.
38 And when the governor heard this, he commanded garments to be brought and said: Put on these garments. And she said: He that clad me when I was naked among the beasts, the same in the day of judgement will clothe me with salvation. And she took the garments and put them on. And the governor forthwith issued out an act, saying: I release unto you Thecla the godly, the servant of God. And all the women cried out with a loud voice and as with one mouth gave praise to God, saying: One is the God who hath preserved Thecla: so that with their voice all the city shook.
Acts of
Paul from "The Apocryphal New Testament",M.R. James-Translation and
Notes,Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924)
And whereas there was great love and joy unsurpassed among the
brethren, a certain
one, a messenger of Satan, became enamoured of Drusiana, though he saw
and knew
that she was the wife of Andronicus. To whom many said: It is not
possible for
thee to obtain that woman, seeing that for a long time she has even
herself from her husband for godliness' sake. Art thou only ignorant
Andronicus, not being aforetime that which now he is, a God-fearing
man, shut
her up in a tomb, saying: Either I must have thee as the wife whom I
before, or thou shalt die. And she chose rather to die than to do that
foulness. If, then, she would not consent, for godliness' sake, to
cohabit with
her lord and husband, but even persuaded him to be of the same mind as
will she consent to thee desiring to be her seducer? depart from this
which hath no rest in thee: give up this deed which thou canst not
bring to
Now on the next day John came, accompanied by Andronicus and the
brethren, to
the sepulchre at dawn, it being now the third day from Drusiana's
death, that
we might break bread there. And first, when they set out, the keys were
for and could not be found; but John said to Andronicus: It is quite
right that
they should be lost, for Drusiana is not in the sepulchre;
nevertheless, let us
go, that thou mayest not be neglectful, and the doors shall be opened
themselves, even as the Lord hath done for us many such things.
80 And after these words John said unto Drusiana: Drusiana, arise. And she arose and came out of the tomb; and when she saw herself in her shift only, she was perplexed at the thing, and learned the whole accurately from Andronicus, the while John lay upon his face, and Callimachus with voice and tears glorified God, and she also rejoiced, glorifying him in like manner.
81 And when she had clothed herself, she turned and saw Fortunatus lying, and said unto John: Father, let this man also rise, even if he did assay to become my betrayer. But Callimachus, when he heard her say that, said: Do not, I beseech thee, Drusiana, for the voice which I heard took no thought of him, but declared concerning thee only, and I saw and believed: for if he had been good, perchance God would have had mercy on him also and would have raised him by means of the blessed John: he knew therefore that the man was come to a bad end [Lat. he judged him worthy to die whom he did not declare worthy to rise again]. And John said to him: We have not learned, my child, to render evil for evil: for God, though we have done much ill and no good toward him, hath not given retribution unto us, but repentance, and though we were ignorant of his name he did not neglect us but had mercy on us, and when we blasphemed him, he did not punish but pitied us, and when we disbelieved him he bore us no grudge, and when we persecuted his brethren he did not recompense us evil but put into our minds repentance and abstinence from evil, and exhorted us to come unto him, as he hath thee also, my son Callimachus, and not remembering thy former evil hath made thee his servant, waiting upon his mercy. Wherefore if thou allowest not me to raise up Fortunatus, it is for Drusiana so to do.
82 And she, delaying not, went with rejoicing of spirit and soul unto the body of Fortunatus and said: Jesu Christ, God of the ages, God of truth, that hast granted me to see wonders and signs, and given to me to become partaker of thy name; that didst breathe thyself into me with thy many-shaped countenance, and hadst mercy on me in many ways; that didst protect me by thy great goodness when I was oppressed by Andronicus that was of old my husband; that didst give me thy servant Andronicus to be my brother; that hast kept me thine handmaid pure unto this day; that didst raise me up by thy servant John, and when I was raised didst show me him that was made to stumble free from stumbling; that hast given me perfect rest in thee, and lightened me of the secret madness; whom I have loved and affectioned: I pray thee, O Christ, refuse not thy Drusiana that asketh thee to raise up Fortunatus, even though he assayed to become my betrayer.
83 And taking the hand of the dead man she said: Rise up, Fortunatus, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And Fortunatus arose, and when he saw John in the sepulchre, and Andronicus, and Drusiana raised from the dead, and Callimachus a believer, and the rest of the brethren glorifying God, he said: O, to what have the powers of these clever men attained! I did not want to be raised, but would rather die, so as not to see them. And with these words he fled and went out of the sepulchre.
(The Acts of John from "The Apocryphal New Testament",M.R. James-Translation and Notes, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924)
3 But one day Aegeates, as he was hearing causes, remembered the matter concerning Andrew: and as one seized with madness, he left the cause which he had in hand, and rose up from the judgement seat and ran quickly to the praetorium, inflamed with love of Maximilla and desiring to persuade her with flatteries. And Maximilla was beforehand with him, coming from the prison and entering the house. And he went in and said to her:
4 Maximilla, thy parents counted me worthy of being thy consort, and gave me thine hand in marriage, not looking to wealth or descent or renown, but it may be to my good disposition of soul: and, that I may pass over much that I might utter in reproach of thee, both of that which I have enjoyed at thy parents' hands and thou from me during all our life, I am come, leaving the court, to learn of thee this one thing: answer me then reasonably, if thou wert as the wife of former days, living with me in the way we know, sleeping, conversing, bearing offspring with me, I would deal well with thee in all points; nay more, I would set free the stranger whom I hold in prison: but if thou wilt not to thee I would do nothing harsh, for indeed I cannot; but him, whom thou affectionest more than me, I will afflict yet more. Consider, then, Maximilla, to whether of the two thou inclinest, and answer me to-morrow; for I am wholly armed for this emergency.
after the decease of the blessed Andrew, Maximilla together with
caring nought for them that stood by, drew near and herself loosed his
and when it was evening she paid it the accustomed care and buried it
(hard by
the sea-shore). And she continued separate from Aegeates because of his
soul and his wicked manner of life: and she led a reverend and quiet
filled with the love of Christ, among the brethren. Whom Aegeates
much, and promised that she should have the rule over his affairs; but
unable to persuade her, he arose in the dead of night and unknown to
them of
his house cast himself down from a great height and perished.
Andrew, The epitome by Gregory of Tours)
From Laodicca to Ephesus the second time.
58 Now when some long time had passed, and none of the brethren had been at any time grieved by John, they were then grieved because he had said: Brethren, it is now time for me to go to Ephesus (for so have I agreed with them that dwell there) lest they become slack, now for a long time having no man to confirm them. But all of you must have your minds steadfast towards God, who never forsaketh us.
But when they heard this from him, the brethren lamented because they were to be parted from him. And John said: Even if I be parted from you, yet Christ is always with you: whom if ye love purely ye will have his fellowship without reproach, for if he be loved, he preventeth (anticipateth) them that love him.
59 And having so said, and bidden farewell to them, and left much money with the brethren for distribution, he went forth unto Ephesus, while all the brethren lamented and groaned. And there accompanied him, of Ephesus, both Andronicus and Drusiana and Lycomedes and Cleobius and their families. And there followed him Aristobula also, who had heard that her husband Tertullus had died on the way, and Aristippus with Xenophon, and the harlot that was chaste, and many others, whom he exhorted at all times to cleave to the Lord, and they would no more be parted from him.
(The Acts of John from "The Apocryphal New Testament",M.R. James-Translation and Notes, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924)